Lions, tigers and PumasFour such animal species were found abandoned this week.It has been reported that there are around 400 such wildlife species legally registered as born in captivity.The Animal Welfare Commissioner, Alison Bezzina, stated that people need to understand that animals like tigers and monkeys may not be compatible with the situation of a human lifestyle. Moreover "A lion or tiger cannot be rehomed".Who is breeding these animals in Malta, in an environment that is totally alien to their nature and normal surroundings?We have rightly banned animals from circuses.Does it make sense to legally allow the breeding of such species in inhumane cooped up conditions in our country? ... See MoreSee Less
2025: Let us ride the momentum for a brighter future and a better Malta...full of hopeAwguri. ... See MoreSee Less
Owen Bonnici absolves Ridley Scott and gives him his blessing.Bonnici also defended the film commissioner's, Johan Grech, behviour.Bonnici has not understood anything. Everyone has a right to holiday where they want to. But paying someone 47 million to tell people to stay away from Malta is simply daft.And Johan Grech's doctoring of the Paramount clip telling tourists to keep way from Malta is devious and malign.With lackey ministers like Owen Bonnici....who needs enemies? ... See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela's end of the year political bravadoUnfortunately, we have a Prime Minister who not only plays about with words, in the fashion of the worst kind of lawyers.He also actually lies brazenly to the people.A few weeks ago he even went a step further when he ordered his Justice Minister to draw up amendments in order to curtail citizens' rights to ask for magisterial Inquiries.Robert Abela, don't even dare to think about implementing such measures to limit citizens' rights to truth and justice.If you go ahead with your fascist bravado, rest assured that I will be on the front line in the streets to counter your anti-democratic folly. ... See MoreSee Less
When given the right motivation, we have so many creative and generous youths.See here. ... See MoreSee Less
Neil Cassar, 13, cycles 127km around Malta for charity
Young teenager beats his own cycling