Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
Your Excellency President Emeritus George Abela: why are you silent?The Chamber of Commerce are the latest Institution to ask government to cancel all the negative aspects of the supposed reform concerning Magisterial Inquiries.They add their concerns to those of the Malta Employers' Association, the Chamber of Advocates, former Chief Justice, present constitutional experts.They add their voice to NGOs like Daphne Foundation, Repubblika, Occupy Justice.To that of all the established political parties in Malta, apart from PL.President Emeritus George Abela, you are not an ordinary father. You are also the foremost defender of Maltese citizens' constitutional rights.Why are you keeping silent? Why are you letting your son wreak havoc with our constitutional rights?President Abela, speak up and just do your constitutional duty towards all of us.Silence on your part will just render you complicit in this attack on Maltese democracy. ... See MoreSee Less
Eċċellenza George Abela, għandek l-istonku tara lil ibnek ikisser il-fibra demokratika ta' pajjiżna?The Chamber of Advocates has expressed its concern over the government’s urge to fast-track the bill to reform magisterial inquiries.The Malta Employers has urged the Justice Minister to “scrap” the proposals that could erode citizens’ fundamental rights and weaken good governance. Constitutional expert Kevin Aquilina writes that the undeclared purpose of Bill No. 125 ('the Bill') of 31 January 2025 is to minimise governmental accountability and embed therein the culture of impunity into Maltese Law.Former Chief Judge Silvio Camilleri openly stated that the Inquiry reform 'will only shield politicians'.Your Excellency, President Emeritus George Abela, you should immediately give your son a drubbing and inform him that his dirty anti-democratic games are providing a great disservice to the whole nation.Tħallihomx joqtlu d-demokrazija f'pajjiżna. Iffirmaw hawn: See MoreSee Less
One Maltese out of three does not trust Robert or Bernard37.8% of the Maltese trust Robert AbelaOnly 24.6% of the Maltese trust Bernard Grech30% Dont trust either Abela or GrechMalta is ripe for change. ... See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela glorifies his fascist henchman, Alex Dalli.Who would have imagined that the son of an honest President of the Republic, George Abela, would behave in this shameful way?In the meantime, whilst our tinpot dictator behaves in this way, promotions at Kordin have been blocked for three years.And the collective agreement is already overdue by 2 months.Is Robert Abela trying to break his abominable record with MCAST lecturers? ... See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela's hypocrisy: giving public open spaces to Silvio Schembri's friendsI fully understand the anger and the sense of frustration when faced with these political delinquents.However, I absolutely do not approve of the language used here to express the justified anger and See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela is so arrogant. He praises the proven torturer Alex Dalli and insults the ombudsman.Robert Abela insists that Alex Dalli is doing miracles and he will keep him there. Basically, Robert Abela approves of the torture methods used by Dalli.Not content with this, Abela insults the Ombudsman, telling him that it is easy for him to write reports whilst sitting comfortably behind a desk.Hudha ma' saqajk, Imħallef Emeritu Joseph Zammit Mckeon.My question to H. E. President Emeritus George Abela: Are you proud of Malta's arrogant Prime Minister, who treats justice, citizens and Servants of the State with such disdain? ... See MoreSee Less
Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
Your Excellency President Emeritus George Abela: why are you silent?The Chamber of Commerce are the latest Institution to ask government to cancel all the negative aspects of the supposed reform concerning Magisterial Inquiries.They add their concerns to those of the Malta Employers' Association, the Chamber of Advocates, former Chief Justice, present constitutional experts.They add their voice to NGOs like Daphne Foundation, Repubblika, Occupy Justice.To that of all the established political parties in Malta, apart from PL.President Emeritus George Abela, you are not an ordinary father. You are also the foremost defender of Maltese citizens' constitutional rights.Why are you keeping silent? Why are you letting your son wreak havoc with our constitutional rights?President Abela, speak up and just do your constitutional duty towards all of us.Silence on your part will just render you complicit in this attack on Maltese democracy. ... See MoreSee Less
Eċċellenza George Abela, għandek l-istonku tara lil ibnek ikisser il-fibra demokratika ta' pajjiżna?The Chamber of Advocates has expressed its concern over the government’s urge to fast-track the bill to reform magisterial inquiries.The Malta Employers has urged the Justice Minister to “scrap” the proposals that could erode citizens’ fundamental rights and weaken good governance. Constitutional expert Kevin Aquilina writes that the undeclared purpose of Bill No. 125 ('the Bill') of 31 January 2025 is to minimise governmental accountability and embed therein the culture of impunity into Maltese Law.Former Chief Judge Silvio Camilleri openly stated that the Inquiry reform 'will only shield politicians'.Your Excellency, President Emeritus George Abela, you should immediately give your son a drubbing and inform him that his dirty anti-democratic games are providing a great disservice to the whole nation.Tħallihomx joqtlu d-demokrazija f'pajjiżna. Iffirmaw hawn: ... See MoreSee Less
... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.One Maltese out of three does not trust Robert or Bernard37.8% of the Maltese trust Robert AbelaOnly 24.6% of the Maltese trust Bernard Grech30% Dont trust either Abela or GrechMalta is ripe for change. ... See MoreSee Less
Trying to succeed where the PN is failing ... See MoreSee Less
Trying to succeed where the PN is failing
The Nationalist Pary has been unable to get the support of thousands of voters who are abandoning the Labour PartyHow Abela uses Gafa' to deprive us of justice....and our rightsSign petition ... See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela glorifies his fascist henchman, Alex Dalli.Who would have imagined that the son of an honest President of the Republic, George Abela, would behave in this shameful way?In the meantime, whilst our tinpot dictator behaves in this way, promotions at Kordin have been blocked for three years.And the collective agreement is already overdue by 2 months.Is Robert Abela trying to break his abominable record with MCAST lecturers? ... See MoreSee Less
Robert Abela's hypocrisy: giving public open spaces to Silvio Schembri's friendsI fully understand the anger and the sense of frustration when faced with these political delinquents.However, I absolutely do not approve of the language used here to express the justified anger and ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Robert Abela is so arrogant. He praises the proven torturer Alex Dalli and insults the ombudsman.Robert Abela insists that Alex Dalli is doing miracles and he will keep him there. Basically, Robert Abela approves of the torture methods used by Dalli.Not content with this, Abela insults the Ombudsman, telling him that it is easy for him to write reports whilst sitting comfortably behind a desk.Hudha ma' saqajk, Imħallef Emeritu Joseph Zammit Mckeon.My question to H. E. President Emeritus George Abela: Are you proud of Malta's arrogant Prime Minister, who treats justice, citizens and Servants of the State with such disdain? ... See MoreSee Less
... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.