
Għal malta ġusta, moderna
B’Saħħitha u sabiħa

Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
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12 hours ago

Will Johann Buttigieg continue accommodating his former developer-employer's illegalities?

The hotel consortium fronted by Michael Stivala is insisting it needs no permission from the Lands Authority to place sunbeds on the roof of its lido in Gzira.Parliament had given a 65 year concession to Stivala and co. in our public sea on condition that "no roof structures and services shall be permitted to be placed on the roof of the structures descrived in the preceding paragraph".But the greed of the greedy ones knows no bounds. And they want more and more of our public land and seas.Now Johann Buttigieg has asked the PA lawyers to provide legal advice before proceeding with the application, postponing the decision to 12 February.Any bets on whose side Johann Buttigieg will be on? ... See MoreSee Less

Will Johann Buttigieg continue accommodating his former developer-employers illegalities?

The hotel consortium fronted by Michael Stivala is insisting it needs no permission from the Lands Authority to place sunbeds on the roof of its lido in Gzira.

Parliament had given a 65 year concession to Stivala and co. in our public sea on condition that no roof structures and services shall be permitted to be placed on the roof of the structures descrived in the preceding paragraph.

But the greed of the greedy ones knows no bounds. And they want more and more of our public land and seas.

Now Johann Buttigieg has asked the PA lawyers to provide legal advice before proceeding with the application, postponing the decision to 12 February.

Any bets on whose side Johann Buttigieg will be on?

The courts have decreed that Yorgen Fenech must keep at least 50 metres away from the shore.

But then he has to sign every day at Spinola police station.Is the law drawn up by parliament an ass? ... See MoreSee Less

The  courts have decreed that Yorgen Fenech must keep at least 50 metres away  from the shore.

But then he has to sign every day at Spinola police station.

Is the law drawn up by parliament an ass?

Appoġġa lil Arnold Cassola

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