
Għal malta ġusta, moderna
B’Saħħitha u sabiħa

Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
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17 hours ago


St. George's Bay, Saturday 26th October, 10.30MAKE SURE YOU COME AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ... See MoreSee Less


St. Georges Bay, Saturday 26th October, 10.30

19 hours ago

Fish slime: duping us for years

Yesterday the whole Maltese coastline was invaded. This is what happens:Agitated fish oil (fat) and other pollutants are mostly coming from the tuna farms.The large amount of fish oil poured into the sea from semi-frozen bait fish, the decaying uneaten bait fish, the decaying large tuna carcasses that landed in our bays and the very large amount of excreted material close to our shores, all contribute to this pollution.Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli have known about this for years.But they do not do anything serious about it.The business interests of the clients of their PL colleague, Charlon Gouder, come before the interests of Maltese residents ... See MoreSee Less

Fish slime: duping us for years

Yesterday the whole Maltese coastline was invaded. This is what happens:

Agitated fish oil (fat) and other pollutants are  mostly coming from the tuna farms.

The large amount of fish oil poured into the sea from semi-frozen bait fish, the decaying uneaten bait fish, the decaying large tuna carcasses that landed in our bays and the very large amount of excreted material close to our shores, all contribute to this pollution.

Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli have known about this for years.

But they do not do anything serious about it.

The business interests of the clients of their PL colleague, Charlon Gouder, come before the interests of Maltese residents
21 hours ago

St. George’s Bay: how the politico-business cosa nostra works ... See MoreSee Less

St. George’s Bay: how the politico-business cosa nostra works

St. George’s Bay......now

Diving from Cresta Quay or the beach into this, with the background noise of jackhammers going on...for years on end. Xi ħlew! ... See MoreSee Less

Malta Today reveals that Robert Abela and Bernard Grech are refusing to say whether they personally met Villa Rosa developer Anton Camilleri to discuss local plan changes before they became public.

Well, I can tell you that they both did.The developers also made a presentation to the St. Julian's L.C. last week and contacted the Swieqi and Pembroke L.C. to the same effect.They also contacted me for a presentation of the project.I refused.I will not be an accomplice in the destruction of residents' quality of life. ... See MoreSee Less

Malta Today reveals that Robert Abela and Bernard Grech are refusing to say whether they personally met Villa Rosa developer Anton Camilleri to discuss local plan changes before they became public.

Well, I can tell you that they both did.

The developers also made a presentation to the St. Julians  L.C. last week and contacted the Swieqi and Pembroke L.C. to the same effect.

They also contacted me for a presentation of the project.

I refused.

I will not be an accomplice in the destruction of residents quality of life.

The plans which the Maltese Prime Minister and Ministers are backing for turning the present St. George’s Bay mess into a glorified six star mess have been revealed by The Times.

These include a 39-floor tower just off St George’s Bay, another 22-floor hotel and a third 22-floor tower will house another four-star hotel.The above hotels will be divided by a three-floor convention centre, and flanked by another ten floors of office space.The Cresta Quay site will be turned into another five-star hotel. And, to crown it all, a seven-floor language school will also be built.All this overlooking an enclosed bay, which is less than 200 metres long.No concern for the thousands of residents in Pembroke, St. Julian's and Swieqi bordering this novel Gotham City, Maltese style.Our government has no idea of what sustainability means. This is a government that actively works to increase the amount of mental health problems amongst the people.Of course, the Prime Minister will be enjoying the Sicilian, Greek and Balearic pristine seas while the residents will be bearing all the discomfort and navigating the flotsam and sewage in the bay for the rest of their lives.We will have none of this madness. We meet next Saturday 26th October to show one and all that we have had enough. ... See MoreSee Less

The plans which the Maltese Prime Minister and Ministers are backing for turning the present St. George’s Bay mess into a glorified six star mess have been revealed by The Times.

These include  a 39-floor tower just off St George’s Bay,  another 22-floor hotel and a third 22-floor tower will house another  four-star hotel.

The above hotels will be divided by a three-floor convention centre, and flanked by another ten floors of office space.

The Cresta Quay site will be turned into another five-star hotel. And, to crown it all, a seven-floor language school will also be built.

All this overlooking an enclosed bay, which is less than 200 metres long.

No concern for the thousands of residents in Pembroke, St. Julians and Swieqi bordering this novel Gotham City, Maltese style.

Our government has no idea of what sustainability means. This is a government that actively works to increase the amount of mental health problems amongst the people.

Of course, the Prime Minister will be enjoying the Sicilian, Greek and Balearic pristine seas while the residents will be bearing all the discomfort and navigating the flotsam and sewage in the bay for the rest of their lives.

We will have none of this madness. We meet next Saturday 26th October to show one and all that we have had enough.

Robert Abela's lies about Villa Rosa and DB

Robert Abela has lied that the residents' concerns regarding the DB monstrosity have been addressed. False. On the contrary, residents' quality of life in Swieqi, St. Julian's and Pembroke has plummeted.Nothing new. We are now well used to the man's manipulation of the truth.Now, he is accommodating Tal-Franciz by changing the Local plan part on Villa Rosa and on all the land in possession of Tal-Franciż. The whole area is besieged with traffic problems, continuous flowing sewage on land, dust infested air that we breathe, continuous noise pollution from continuous construction, a bay polluted with flowing sewage.But, beyond his empty words of attracting quality tourists to the area, Abela keeps on pushing the developers' interest. After all, he himself is a small scale hotelier in Xewkija,We say no to all this. Let's meet in St. George's Bay on Saturday 26 October at 10.30 am. ... See MoreSee Less

Robert Abelas lies about Villa Rosa and DB

Robert Abela has lied that the residents concerns regarding the DB monstrosity have been addressed. False. On the contrary, residents quality of life in Swieqi, St. Julians and Pembroke has plummeted.

Nothing new. We are now well used to the mans manipulation of the truth.

Now, he is accommodating Tal-Franciz by changing the Local plan part on Villa Rosa and on all the land in possession of Tal-Franciż. 

The whole area is besieged with traffic problems, continuous flowing sewage on land, dust infested air that we breathe, continuous noise pollution from continuous construction, a bay polluted with flowing sewage.

But, beyond his empty words of attracting quality tourists to the area, Abela keeps on pushing the developers interest. After all, he himself is a small scale hotelier in Xewkija,

We say no to all this.  Lets meet in St. Georges Bay on Saturday 26 October at 10.30 am.

Villa Rosa, 26 October ... See MoreSee Less

Villa Rosa, 26 October

6 star sewage for St. George’s Bay? No way.

Malta is now officially confirmed as discharging sewage in sea.The DB and Villa Rosa monstrous projects will increase the quality and quantity of sewage to 6 star.We who are working towards a beautiful Malta wiill fight this.Our people deserve to enjoy fully the beauty of our country and its natural characteristics. ... See MoreSee Less

6 star sewage for St. George’s Bay?  No way.

Malta is now officially confirmed as discharging sewage in sea.

The DB and Villa Rosa monstrous projects will increase the quality and quantity of sewage to 6 star.

We who are working towards a beautiful Malta wiill fight this.

Our people deserve to enjoy fully the beauty of our country and its natural characteristics.

Officially confirmed: Cumnija and Xghajra discharging sewage in sea ... See MoreSee Less

Officially confirmed: Cumnija and Xghajra discharging sewage in sea

Ministru Camilleri

Billi ministru, bhalna lkoll ma tistax tibqa' fil-karozza fil-garaxx tal-vapur fit-trip tal-5.45. Ir-regoli ta' sigurta' jghoddu ghal kulhadd. ... See MoreSee Less

Ministru Camilleri 

Billi ministru, bhalna lkoll ma tistax tibqa fil-karozza fil-garaxx tal-vapur fit-trip tal-5.45.
  Ir-regoli ta  sigurta jghoddu ghal kulhadd.

Seven years...still waiting for justice ... See MoreSee Less

Seven years...still waiting for justice

Appoġġa lil Arnold Cassola

Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
