Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
Angelo Gafa': complacent even on criminal issues?A few days ago, a flare was fired at body height from the only boat moored in Ramla l-Ħamra. No one has been prosecuted.Over five weeks ago, a threatening object and message were left at Helena Dalli's home. Despite clear footage, no arrests have been made.Anġlu, you've protected politicians and their associates for four years. Are you now going easy on non-political criminals too? ... See MoreSee Less
Today has reminded me, and I believe many of you, how deeply we care about our country.Yet another resounding, emboldening success. It was hot and it was Saturday. Yet you all turned up to share your hopes and ideas for a better Malta. The people of Malta want change… and they’re also stepping up to take matters into their own hands.I am proud to have been there with you today. And I am humbled by your talents and enthusiasm.I’ll see you all, and many others I’m sure, at the next Vision Circles event.Thank you. ... See MoreSee Less
Well done to everyone who participated in today's Vision Circle! Your ideas and enthusiasm are the driving force for a brighter Malta.We couldn't help but share Johann's reaction.Let’s keep this momentum going! 💪✨#VisionForMalta#CommunityPower#BetterTogether... See MoreSee Less
The Joseph Portelli-Mark Agius-Daniel Refalo triad is one of the organizations controlling the Maltese government.They control the deckchair operations on Comino and run the illegal batching plant in Kercem.They are causing damage to the caves in Xaghra and have built on the ridges and valleys of Gozo.They have increased the height of buildings on the Xlendi Waterfront, occupied public land and pathways with a restaurant in Xlendi.They have constructed illegal penthouses and swimming pools in Gozo.They have registered hundreds of foreign employees at fictitious residences in Gozo.And all of this is happening solely in Gozo.While these three continue to exert pressure on Robert Abela, Bernard Grech has effectively erased the word "Portelli" from his vocabulary. ... See MoreSee Less
Bongu! Kollox lest għall-avveniment tal-Vision Circle dalgħodu! Eċċitati li niltaqgħu u nidħlu f’diskussjoni vibranti dwar l-Ekonomija ma' kulħadd. Narawkom hemm! ... See MoreSee Less
Upon reading the Times article, some people are contacting me saying that they have looked up the Local Council electoral register and are finding unknown EU citizens registered as living and having a vote in their property... Anyone who has property in Gozo should check the Local Councils' Electoral registers to see if there are any phantom tenants registered on their property. ... See MoreSee Less
Santa Lucija FC have leased their football ground car park to Christian Borg's Sicily by Car.Together with his buddies, he had kidnapped a person and threatened to cut off the fingers of this man and rape his relatives.This man has also swindled many tourists who had rented out cars from him. He has been charged with money laundering and defrauding millions in VAT and other taxes. Despite all this, Christian Borg's company was awarded a tender to drive our judiciary. He also won a tender with transport Malta. And another tender with LESA...What does his former business partner, Robert Abela, have to say about all this? ... See MoreSee Less
Join us at Vision Circles this Saturday!With people from all walks of life, alongside field experts, we come together for lively discussions. We’re gathering and organising valuable data with the help of an amazing community.Our goal? To create a new, fair, and people-driven policy. This is participatory democracy in action! Fill out the form and play your part in shaping the future of our See MoreSee Less
The circular today by the Ministry of Health shifting the responsibility on health employees to ensure that the identity of the person in front of them is the real person, is something obscene.Due to the various dirty corrupt rackets at Transport Malta, LESA, Identity Malta, etc., rather than immediately suspending and investigating the individuals involved and the political minds supporting them, the onus has been shifted onto health employees to act as investigators on patients.The workers in the health sector are already so understaffed and overworked. All they need now is to be given the added job of acting as Sherlock Holmes, trying to identify the people asking for a health service.So, what happens if I go to a health centre or to Mater Dei emergency with a worrying chest pain and with only my Identity card, and this is not accepted as proof of my identity?Will they send me back home to come back with my passport? Or would maybe my PL tessera be the required proof that I am truly me?And if I do not have a passport or a PL tessera, will the nurses and doctors be obliged not to examine or treat my chest pain, because the Minister has ordered that they have to be sure of my identity first? ... See MoreSee Less
My question is simple: who is the real expert: Architect Pizzuto of the Chamber of Architects or Banker Steve Ellul, CEO of Infrastructure Malta?Infrastructure Malta (IM) has called the Chamber of Architects' proposal for Msida "impossible and dangerous".IM believes that the project "will result in a danger to the general public and road users, potentially damage private property and will lead to a substantial increase in traffic, noise and pollution" (TOM)Architect Andre' Pizzuto, President of the Chamber of Architects, has responded by stating that instead "traffic flow would be smaller than in IM's proposal, which will increase traffic in the area by 31%". Pizzuto reiterated that the planned flyover would simply move tailbacks from the existing traffic lights to skatepark. ... See MoreSee Less
Kamra tal-Periti (KtP) president André Pizzuto slammed Infrastructure Malta’s dismissal of the Chamber’s proposal to transform Msida Creek into a 20,000-square-metre park, saying the authorities�...
Is-Sibt li gej se niltaqgħu għall-Vision Circle li jmiss. Din id-darba jmiss l-Ekonomija. Minn hawn ser inkomplu nfasslu politika ġdida, għal kulħadd.Ser tibqa' gallarija? Ejja semma' leħnek. Imla l-formula ħa tirriżerva l-post tiegħ See MoreSee Less
The crisis in the health sector is due to many factors.One of them is the diaspora of the already insufficient number of nurses who graduate in our institutions.A good number have left Malta because nurses are still underrated, overworked and under paid.Even non-EU nurses are being poached by other countries, like Ireland, that offer better working conditions and salaries.Our authorities must move from the Covid period theatrics of singing the praises of our medics and nurses in the balconies to a policy that really values the welfare of our nurses through better working conditions, better salaries and more respect. ... See MoreSee Less
Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
Angelo Gafa': complacent even on criminal issues?A few days ago, a flare was fired at body height from the only boat moored in Ramla l-Ħamra. No one has been prosecuted.Over five weeks ago, a threatening object and message were left at Helena Dalli's home. Despite clear footage, no arrests have been made.Anġlu, you've protected politicians and their associates for four years. Are you now going easy on non-political criminals too? ... See MoreSee Less
Today has reminded me, and I believe many of you, how deeply we care about our country.Yet another resounding, emboldening success. It was hot and it was Saturday. Yet you all turned up to share your hopes and ideas for a better Malta. The people of Malta want change… and they’re also stepping up to take matters into their own hands.I am proud to have been there with you today. And I am humbled by your talents and enthusiasm.I’ll see you all, and many others I’m sure, at the next Vision Circles event.Thank you. ... See MoreSee Less
Well done to everyone who participated in today's Vision Circle! Your ideas and enthusiasm are the driving force for a brighter Malta.We couldn't help but share Johann's reaction.Let’s keep this momentum going! 💪✨#VisionForMalta #CommunityPower #BetterTogether ... See MoreSee Less
The Joseph Portelli-Mark Agius-Daniel Refalo triad is one of the organizations controlling the Maltese government.They control the deckchair operations on Comino and run the illegal batching plant in Kercem.They are causing damage to the caves in Xaghra and have built on the ridges and valleys of Gozo.They have increased the height of buildings on the Xlendi Waterfront, occupied public land and pathways with a restaurant in Xlendi.They have constructed illegal penthouses and swimming pools in Gozo.They have registered hundreds of foreign employees at fictitious residences in Gozo.And all of this is happening solely in Gozo.While these three continue to exert pressure on Robert Abela, Bernard Grech has effectively erased the word "Portelli" from his vocabulary. ... See MoreSee Less
Bongu! Kollox lest għall-avveniment tal-Vision Circle dalgħodu! Eċċitati li niltaqgħu u nidħlu f’diskussjoni vibranti dwar l-Ekonomija ma' kulħadd. Narawkom hemm! ... See MoreSee Less
Upon reading the Times article, some people are contacting me saying that they have looked up the Local Council electoral register and are finding unknown EU citizens registered as living and having a vote in their property... Anyone who has property in Gozo should check the Local Councils' Electoral registers to see if there are any phantom tenants registered on their property. ... See MoreSee Less
Ghost tenants registered as living in properties linked to developers
Dozens listed as living in the Gozitan offices of Mark Agius and Daniel RefaloSanta Lucija FC have leased their football ground car park to Christian Borg's Sicily by Car.Together with his buddies, he had kidnapped a person and threatened to cut off the fingers of this man and rape his relatives.This man has also swindled many tourists who had rented out cars from him. He has been charged with money laundering and defrauding millions in VAT and other taxes. Despite all this, Christian Borg's company was awarded a tender to drive our judiciary. He also won a tender with transport Malta. And another tender with LESA...What does his former business partner, Robert Abela, have to say about all this? ... See MoreSee Less
Join us at Vision Circles this Saturday!With people from all walks of life, alongside field experts, we come together for lively discussions. We’re gathering and organising valuable data with the help of an amazing community.Our goal? To create a new, fair, and people-driven policy. This is participatory democracy in action! Fill out the form and play your part in shaping the future of our ... See MoreSee Less
The circular today by the Ministry of Health shifting the responsibility on health employees to ensure that the identity of the person in front of them is the real person, is something obscene.Due to the various dirty corrupt rackets at Transport Malta, LESA, Identity Malta, etc., rather than immediately suspending and investigating the individuals involved and the political minds supporting them, the onus has been shifted onto health employees to act as investigators on patients.The workers in the health sector are already so understaffed and overworked. All they need now is to be given the added job of acting as Sherlock Holmes, trying to identify the people asking for a health service.So, what happens if I go to a health centre or to Mater Dei emergency with a worrying chest pain and with only my Identity card, and this is not accepted as proof of my identity?Will they send me back home to come back with my passport? Or would maybe my PL tessera be the required proof that I am truly me?And if I do not have a passport or a PL tessera, will the nurses and doctors be obliged not to examine or treat my chest pain, because the Minister has ordered that they have to be sure of my identity first? ... See MoreSee Less
My question is simple: who is the real expert: Architect Pizzuto of the Chamber of Architects or Banker Steve Ellul, CEO of Infrastructure Malta?Infrastructure Malta (IM) has called the Chamber of Architects' proposal for Msida "impossible and dangerous".IM believes that the project "will result in a danger to the general public and road users, potentially damage private property and will lead to a substantial increase in traffic, noise and pollution" (TOM)Architect Andre' Pizzuto, President of the Chamber of Architects, has responded by stating that instead "traffic flow would be smaller than in IM's proposal, which will increase traffic in the area by 31%". Pizzuto reiterated that the planned flyover would simply move tailbacks from the existing traffic lights to skatepark. ... See MoreSee Less
Kamra tal-Periti president slams Infrastructure Malta’s ‘narrow-minded’ rejection of Msida Creek park proposal
Kamra tal-Periti (KtP) president André Pizzuto slammed Infrastructure Malta’s dismissal of the Chamber’s proposal to transform Msida Creek into a 20,000-square-metre park, saying the authorities�...Is-Sibt li gej se niltaqgħu għall-Vision Circle li jmiss. Din id-darba jmiss l-Ekonomija. Minn hawn ser inkomplu nfasslu politika ġdida, għal kulħadd.Ser tibqa' gallarija? Ejja semma' leħnek. Imla l-formula ħa tirriżerva l-post tiegħ ... See MoreSee Less
The crisis in the health sector is due to many factors.One of them is the diaspora of the already insufficient number of nurses who graduate in our institutions.A good number have left Malta because nurses are still underrated, overworked and under paid.Even non-EU nurses are being poached by other countries, like Ireland, that offer better working conditions and salaries.Our authorities must move from the Covid period theatrics of singing the praises of our medics and nurses in the balconies to a policy that really values the welfare of our nurses through better working conditions, better salaries and more respect. ... See MoreSee Less