Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
The University and Clyde Caruana Minister Clyde Caruana said that his ministry has been chasing the University to present clear finances “for years”.If the University has not presented its accounts then Caruana is right. The University should not replicate the PN by not presenting its accounts or the PL, that has not paid its electricity bills and other dues for years.But when Caruana states that the University of Malta needs to start generating proper revenue, he is talking crap.The University's mission is not that of generating revenue but that of forming critical minds and specialised professionals who contribute to the common good and to the country's welfare.The University of Malta is not a commercial entity there to make money. If Caruana is interested in saving the country money, he should turn onto those of his former and present ministerial colleagues who have swindled, and are swindling, the Maltese people through scandalous person of trust appointments. ... See MoreSee Less
Questions to Gafà Vitals expert Sam Sittlington had been dismissed from a case in Guyana for conflict of interest.Knowing this, why did Angelo Gafa' invite Sittlington to be a consultant of the Malta police force?Why would Gafà engage with a person accused of conflict of interest?Who, from Gafa's office, gave Sittlington's email sent to Gafà to the defending lawyers of Joseph Muscat and co.?How can a Police Commissioner not have done due diligence on Sittlington?Was it Gafà or his subordinates who leaked his work emails to Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri's lawyers? ... See MoreSee Less
The University Rector has just spoken about the right to freedom of expression at University.Yet, KSU did not allow the Pro-life network to set up a stand at University's Freshers Week.Today KSU have dismantled Graffitti's stand because of the group's materials favouring abortion.Irrespective of one's opinion on the issue, it is absurd that a Student Union (KSU) has become an arbiter of what should be discussed on campus or not. ... See MoreSee Less
Kudos to the Chief JusticeThis is the stuff real gentlemen and gentlewomen are made of.Beneath, my press release issued earlier today:Forensic year ceremony: why the selective behaviour?The opening of the forensic year is the only occasion when press photographers are allowed to take photos in court.This year, for the first time, it was reported that Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti has banned professional press photographers and videographers from the ceremony.Yet, the DOI, the President's and the Prime Minister's photographers were allowed to enter and take photos.Why only the photographers representing the establishment?Was there anything to hide from the independent press photographers? See MoreSee Less
De la Torre's resignation comes as proceedings continue in Steward's Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which so far have resulted in the closure or transfer of seven Massachusetts hospitals.
Illum, Neville Gafa' kiteb dan dwari. Lil Gafa', li tant iħobb jhedded lin-nies bi stil mafjuz, bħalma għamel ma' Mark Camilleri, ngħidlu:1. Dwar Metsola. Jien mort għand l-Ombudsman Ewropew fl-2022 meta int u sħabek kontu kollha reqdin.2. Le, jiena qatt ma xtrajt u biegħejt propjeta'. ... See MoreSee Less
This year, many of pre-1962 born pensioners are still not getting anything to make up for the shortfall from post-1962 born pensioners.Those who had paid maximum contributions were promised 9.47 euro instead of 82 euro shortfall a week for 2024.Some got it. But others in this category have not seen a cent. And it's nearly October.All other pre-1962 born pensioners who did not pay maximum rate of contributions get nothing.All pre-1962 born mothers continue getting 50% less than post-1962 born mothers of the state contributions given for every child.Michael Falzon, do you intend continuing with these social injustices for the years to come? ... See MoreSee Less
Personal abuses should be paid for personally. A few days ago, the MFSA was slammed with a compensation ruling amounting to €414,000, because of abuses committed by its CEO Joseph Cuschieri.A few years ago, Infrastructure Malta was fined €36,000 for illegal works in Wied Qirda ordered by its CEO, Fredrick Azzopardi.Six days ago, Malta's trapping of protected finches for "research purposes" was ruled illegal by the European Union court. If Maltese government does not comply, a daily fine will be imposed.All these fines are being paid for by Maltese taxpayers and NOT by the abusers: Cuschieri, Azzopardi and FKNK.Millions taken away from us because of the abusive behaviour of arrogant individuals protected by politicians who turn a blind eye to the abuse.Such system cannot continue. Officials who abuse of the system should be made personally responsible for their actions. ... See MoreSee Less
Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
The University and Clyde Caruana Minister Clyde Caruana said that his ministry has been chasing the University to present clear finances “for years”.If the University has not presented its accounts then Caruana is right. The University should not replicate the PN by not presenting its accounts or the PL, that has not paid its electricity bills and other dues for years.But when Caruana states that the University of Malta needs to start generating proper revenue, he is talking crap.The University's mission is not that of generating revenue but that of forming critical minds and specialised professionals who contribute to the common good and to the country's welfare.The University of Malta is not a commercial entity there to make money. If Caruana is interested in saving the country money, he should turn onto those of his former and present ministerial colleagues who have swindled, and are swindling, the Maltese people through scandalous person of trust appointments. ... See MoreSee Less
Robert and Bernard....united against residentsShameful.PL and PN both sucking up to DB.This is how DB money buys the two parties. ... See MoreSee Less
25 years ago....todayTime really flies. Elected General Secretary of the European Greens. Feels like yesterday. ... See MoreSee Less
Questions to Gafà Vitals expert Sam Sittlington had been dismissed from a case in Guyana for conflict of interest.Knowing this, why did Angelo Gafa' invite Sittlington to be a consultant of the Malta police force?Why would Gafà engage with a person accused of conflict of interest?Who, from Gafa's office, gave Sittlington's email sent to Gafà to the defending lawyers of Joseph Muscat and co.?How can a Police Commissioner not have done due diligence on Sittlington?Was it Gafà or his subordinates who leaked his work emails to Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri's lawyers? ... See MoreSee Less
The University Rector has just spoken about the right to freedom of expression at University.Yet, KSU did not allow the Pro-life network to set up a stand at University's Freshers Week.Today KSU have dismantled Graffitti's stand because of the group's materials favouring abortion.Irrespective of one's opinion on the issue, it is absurd that a Student Union (KSU) has become an arbiter of what should be discussed on campus or not. ... See MoreSee Less
Kudos to the Chief JusticeThis is the stuff real gentlemen and gentlewomen are made of.Beneath, my press release issued earlier today:Forensic year ceremony: why the selective behaviour?The opening of the forensic year is the only occasion when press photographers are allowed to take photos in court.This year, for the first time, it was reported that Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti has banned professional press photographers and videographers from the ceremony.Yet, the DOI, the President's and the Prime Minister's photographers were allowed to enter and take photos.Why only the photographers representing the establishment?Was there anything to hide from the independent press photographers? ... See MoreSee Less
HSBC: advertising at University Freshers WeekThe irony of it all.Advertising bye-bye Malta? ... See MoreSee Less
Steward's De la Torre to resign ... See MoreSee Less
Ralph de la Torre, CEO of bankrupt Steward Health Care, to resign
De la Torre's resignation comes as proceedings continue in Steward's Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which so far have resulted in the closure or transfer of seven Massachusetts hospitals.Photos from Historical Research Sharing Activity created by Vince Peresso's post ... See MoreSee Less
Illum, Neville Gafa' kiteb dan dwari. Lil Gafa', li tant iħobb jhedded lin-nies bi stil mafjuz, bħalma għamel ma' Mark Camilleri, ngħidlu:1. Dwar Metsola. Jien mort għand l-Ombudsman Ewropew fl-2022 meta int u sħabek kontu kollha reqdin.2. Le, jiena qatt ma xtrajt u biegħejt propjeta'. ... See MoreSee Less
This year, many of pre-1962 born pensioners are still not getting anything to make up for the shortfall from post-1962 born pensioners.Those who had paid maximum contributions were promised 9.47 euro instead of 82 euro shortfall a week for 2024.Some got it. But others in this category have not seen a cent. And it's nearly October.All other pre-1962 born pensioners who did not pay maximum rate of contributions get nothing.All pre-1962 born mothers continue getting 50% less than post-1962 born mothers of the state contributions given for every child.Michael Falzon, do you intend continuing with these social injustices for the years to come? ... See MoreSee Less
Personal abuses should be paid for personally. A few days ago, the MFSA was slammed with a compensation ruling amounting to €414,000, because of abuses committed by its CEO Joseph Cuschieri.A few years ago, Infrastructure Malta was fined €36,000 for illegal works in Wied Qirda ordered by its CEO, Fredrick Azzopardi.Six days ago, Malta's trapping of protected finches for "research purposes" was ruled illegal by the European Union court. If Maltese government does not comply, a daily fine will be imposed.All these fines are being paid for by Maltese taxpayers and NOT by the abusers: Cuschieri, Azzopardi and FKNK.Millions taken away from us because of the abusive behaviour of arrogant individuals protected by politicians who turn a blind eye to the abuse.Such system cannot continue. Officials who abuse of the system should be made personally responsible for their actions. ... See MoreSee Less