Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
The arrogance of tinpot dictatorsJustice minister Jonathan Attard has ruled out all public consultation on magisterial Inquiries.He is so big headed that he has no shame in saying that government has ‘enough knowledge’ to move ahead.History has shown that the more stupid and empty tinpoint dictators are....the more arrogant they become.Abela and Attard are proving to one and all that they can compete at a par.....with the worst examples of autocratic leaders. ... See MoreSee Less
Where have the Man United tickets paid by us taxpayers gone?A couple of days ago I gave the first names of officials who benefitted from their proximity to Clayton and Amanda.But there are others who got the tickets because they are close to those who are close to Clayton and Amanda.For example, Wayne was secretary to Stellini and Jason, who was part of Konrad the genius's staff, is a friend of Joanne.Then we have Ayrton at communications and Alex at customer care, who formed part of Clayton's secretariat.Not to speak of Kearon and others at MTA.Insomma, rejoice Maltese taxpayers. With our money we have been sponsoring a number of lackeys of Clayton and Amanda.Come on reds. ... See MoreSee Less
While it noted that technical issues were still preventing hundreds of people from signing, Momentum welcomed the receipt of 4,500 signatures with a month still to go.Partit Momentum ... See MoreSee Less
In what democratic country have Prime Ministers been business partners of such crooks?Chistian Borg is facing multiple criminal charges in court. He is charged with participation in a botched kidnapping in which he and his associates allegedly threatened to torture the victim and rape his sister.He is charged of VAT fraud and money laundering.He has illegally kept badly nourished lions and leopard.He is charged with perjury in court.Yet, despite all this, he has been awarded tenders with Transport Malta, with LESA, with the judiciary.The stink can be smelled all the way from Qormi to Castille. ... See MoreSee Less
Since Glenn Bedingfield and his PL cronies have blocked all access to information regarding Manchester United trips financed by the Maltese taxpayers, I will suggest some info myself.Of course, amongst the major beneficiaries we have had Clayton Bartolo, Amanda Muscat and her brother Luke.But others have flown to Manchester to watch United, today so different from Alex Ferguson's winning times.Can I suggest that, amongst these, there was Permanent Secretary Gatt, Minister Secretary Joanne Xuereb and Perm Sec secretary Josette Sant?And maybe also Perm Sec friend Daniel Cauchi, Chief of staff Simon Stellini and his brother Thomas?Whether they paid for their flight has not been verified.Could it also be that a PN politician has also availed himself of a match ticket? ... See MoreSee Less
Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
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The arrogance of tinpot dictatorsJustice minister Jonathan Attard has ruled out all public consultation on magisterial Inquiries.He is so big headed that he has no shame in saying that government has ‘enough knowledge’ to move ahead.History has shown that the more stupid and empty tinpoint dictators are....the more arrogant they become.Abela and Attard are proving to one and all that they can compete at a par.....with the worst examples of autocratic leaders. ... See MoreSee Less
Where have the Man United tickets paid by us taxpayers gone?A couple of days ago I gave the first names of officials who benefitted from their proximity to Clayton and Amanda.But there are others who got the tickets because they are close to those who are close to Clayton and Amanda.For example, Wayne was secretary to Stellini and Jason, who was part of Konrad the genius's staff, is a friend of Joanne.Then we have Ayrton at communications and Alex at customer care, who formed part of Clayton's secretariat.Not to speak of Kearon and others at MTA.Insomma, rejoice Maltese taxpayers. With our money we have been sponsoring a number of lackeys of Clayton and Amanda.Come on reds. ... See MoreSee Less
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This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.While it noted that technical issues were still preventing hundreds of people from signing, Momentum welcomed the receipt of 4,500 signatures with a month still to go.Partit Momentum ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.In what democratic country have Prime Ministers been business partners of such crooks?Chistian Borg is facing multiple criminal charges in court. He is charged with participation in a botched kidnapping in which he and his associates allegedly threatened to torture the victim and rape his sister.He is charged of VAT fraud and money laundering.He has illegally kept badly nourished lions and leopard.He is charged with perjury in court.Yet, despite all this, he has been awarded tenders with Transport Malta, with LESA, with the judiciary.The stink can be smelled all the way from Qormi to Castille. ... See MoreSee Less
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This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Since Glenn Bedingfield and his PL cronies have blocked all access to information regarding Manchester United trips financed by the Maltese taxpayers, I will suggest some info myself.Of course, amongst the major beneficiaries we have had Clayton Bartolo, Amanda Muscat and her brother Luke.But others have flown to Manchester to watch United, today so different from Alex Ferguson's winning times.Can I suggest that, amongst these, there was Permanent Secretary Gatt, Minister Secretary Joanne Xuereb and Perm Sec secretary Josette Sant?And maybe also Perm Sec friend Daniel Cauchi, Chief of staff Simon Stellini and his brother Thomas?Whether they paid for their flight has not been verified.Could it also be that a PN politician has also availed himself of a match ticket? ... See MoreSee Less
Chambray: what will disappear ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.