
Għal malta ġusta, moderna
B’Saħħitha u sabiħa

Malta miexja lejn rebbiegħa ġdida fejn jeħtieġ li int tkun protagonist.
Lejn futur fejn il-komunitajiet huma vibranti u mhux depressi, awtentiċi u mhux bla ruħ. Fejn ix-xogħol iġib flus tajba filwaqt li jinċentiva liż-żgħażagħ tagħna jsebbħu ’l pajjiż.
Għaddejjin minn żmien ikrah u tad-dwejjaq.
Però, minkejja l-ħafna rabja u frustrazzjoni li ximindaqqiet nesprimi, minix irrassenjat. Lanqas ftit.
L-Ewropa tista’ tgħin ħafna biex Malta tisbieħ. Jien li għamilt sitt snin Segretarju Ġenerali tat-tielet l-ikbar partit fil-Parlament Ewropew naf ħafna dwar kif u xiex irridu nagħmlu biex naslu.
Żmien il-politika tas-soltu spiċċa. Ħu t-tmun f’idejk!
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Malta has always been blessed with some inspiring role models.

Just listen to the story of Doris Cannataci.There's more to our nation than corruption and greed.Our country gives us more reasons to continue fighting for a better and more beautiful tomorrow. ... See MoreSee Less

Abela's middle finger to Children's Commissioner 🤷🤷 ... See MoreSee Less

Abelas middle finger to Childrens Commissioner 🤷🤷

In the short span of 11 years, Joseph Muscat and Robert Abela have produced a generation of spineless politicians, who are only good at obeying what their mexxej commands.

When they were ordered to vote for the crook Konrad Mizzi, despite having opened an illegal company in Panama, they obeyed.When they were ordered to vote against a public inquiry on Jean Paul Sofia's death, they obeyed.Now they are ordered to vote for Local Plan changes to favour the Villa Rosa owners, and once again they obey.Some of these cowards were only capable of voicing their private concerns to the independent press by staying anonymous.Joseph Muscat had long boasted of a "generazzjoni rebbieħa". 11 years later, the only result is a "generazzjoni ta' ġwejjef". ... See MoreSee Less

In the short span of 11 years, Joseph Muscat and Robert Abela have produced a generation of spineless politicians, who are only good at obeying what their mexxej commands.

When they were ordered to vote for the crook Konrad Mizzi, despite having opened an illegal company in Panama, they obeyed.

When they were ordered to vote against a public inquiry on Jean Paul Sofias death, they obeyed.

Now they are ordered to vote for Local Plan changes to favour the Villa Rosa owners, and once again they obey.

Some of these cowards were only capable of voicing their private concerns to the independent press by staying anonymous.

Joseph Muscat had long boasted of a generazzjoni rebbieħa. 11 years later, the only result is a generazzjoni ta ġwejjef.

Can opinion polls be trusted?

15 days ago, according to MaltaToday, PN was leading PL by 12000 votes.Today, Vince Marmara says that PL is leading PN by 12000 votes.Did Bernard Grech's betrayal, that of taking a mercenary position on DB and Villa Rosa, have an impact on people's opinion?Whatever the reason, the only definite thing is that one out of three Maltese do not trust either Abela or Grech.A third voice in the Maltese parliament is crucially important. ... See MoreSee Less

Can opinion polls be trusted?

15 days ago, according to MaltaToday, PN was leading PL by 12000 votes.

Today, Vince Marmara says that PL is leading PN by 12000 votes.

Did Bernard Grechs betrayal, that of taking a mercenary position on DB and Villa Rosa, have an impact on peoples opinion?

Whatever the reason, the only definite thing is that one out of three Maltese do not trust either Abela or Grech.

A third voice in the Maltese parliament is crucially important.

MCAST students protest in solidarity with Lecturers ... See MoreSee Less

MCAST students protest in solidarity with Lecturers
4 days ago

Illejla fid-20:40, fuq TOKIS Channel 100

Il-KAŻIN fuq Tokis ... See MoreSee Less

I don't want your money, thank you. ... See MoreSee Less

While we are all angry about Villa Rosa.....

They screw us with Xewkija airfield.Full support to Xewkija mayor and residents on this. ... See MoreSee Less

While we are all angry about Villa Rosa.....

They screw us with Xewkija airfield.
Full support to Xewkija mayor and residents on this.

Villa Rosa: Bernard Grech tant ilu idur mal-lewża li, milli jidher f’din l-intervista, qed iħossu diġà naqra sturdut. ... See MoreSee Less

Appoġġa lil Arnold Cassola

Ibgħatli messagg fuq Facebook Messenger biex tara kif tista’ tgħinni permezz ta’ donazzjoni jew billi tivvolontiera. Tista’ tuża l-ikona taċ-chat fuq din il-paġna jew inkella tkellimni direttament fuq Facebook.
