Arnold Cassola
Jixirqilna Ahjar

It-35 sena tiegħi fil-politika għallmuni nagħraf it-tajjeb mill-ħażin. Aħna, in-nies normali, ħaqqna aħjar u għandna s-setgħa li nbiddlu s-sitwazzjoni bil-vot tagħna. Issa huwa ż-żmien li nibdlu dak kollu li hu ħażin u inġust permezz tal-vot tagħna.

Is-sistema bipartitika wasslet għall-ħerba politika li għandna llum. Il-politiċi qegħdin hemm biex iservu lill-poplu u lis-soċjetà. Madanakollu, ċerti nies tal-business diżonesti u bla skrupli jikkontrollaw ċerti deputati miż-żewġ partiti, u saħansitra lil ministri li, min-naħa tagħhom, irriduċew dik li suppost hi l-vokazzjoni nobbli tal-politika għal eżerċizzju ta’ regħba, nepotiżmu, klijenteliżmu u favoritiżmu.

Illum, numru ta’ istituzzjonijiet tagħna mhux qegħdin jaqdu liċ-ċittadin normali. Il-ħuta’ l-kbira tibqa’ tiekol liż-żgħira. L-inugwaljanza ssaltan.

Dana wassal għal sitwazzjoni fejn numru mdaqqas ta’ Maltin iridu jitqabdu ħajjithom kollha biex ilaħħqu mal-għoli tal-ħajja. Dana kollu mhuwiex ġust.

L-elettorat Malti għandu l-għażla li jkisser din il-forma tossika ta’ politika billi jeleġġi fil-parlament kandidati b’valuri sodi li huma indipendenti u mit-tielet partit u li jiddistingwu ruħhom għall-onestà, l-integrità, il-kredibbiltà u l-konsistenza fl-imġiba tagħhom. Jekk dan ma jseħħx, nibqgħu fejn aħna.

Min jista' jivvota għal Arnold Cassola?

Kull min irid jara tielet vuċi fil-parlament.

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2 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Swieqi Junction plans - a good first step It is good that Infrastructure Malta have finally provided the Swieqi Local Council with the hard copy plans. It is now imperative that Infrastructure Malta provide the Local Council with a digital copy so that we residents can request a copy so that our architects and road planner experts can examine these plans in detail. ... See MoreSee Less

Swieqi Junction plans - a good first step

   It is good that Infrastructure Malta have finally provided the Swieqi Local Council with the hard copy plans.
   It is now imperative that Infrastructure Malta provide the Local Council with a digital copy so that we residents can request a copy  so that our architects and road planner experts can examine these plans in detail.
2 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Gozo...what a pityFirst photo Nadur.Second one Marsalforn. ... See MoreSee Less

Gozo...what a pity

First photo Nadur.
Second one Marsalforn.
6 hours ago
Arnold Cassola ... See MoreSee Less

6 hours ago
Arnold Cassola ... See MoreSee Less
8 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Nadur continues being uglifiedYet another proposal to convert a villa into 34 apartments on the ridge overlooking the Gozo channel in Ta Kenuna Nadur, raises concerns. With 13 more apartments approved just opposite and a large complex of 66 apartments already built, up the street. what's next? The urbanisation of the sister island continues at a rapid rate, without restraint. With the resulting loss of charm and character and traffic management concerns to mention but a few of the issues. The uglification of Gozo continues! ... See MoreSee Less

Nadur continues being uglified

Yet another proposal to convert a villa into 34 apartments on the ridge overlooking the Gozo channel in Ta Kenuna Nadur, raises concerns. With 13 more apartments approved just opposite and a large complex of 66 apartments already built, up the street. whats next? The urbanisation of the sister island continues at a rapid rate, without restraint. With the resulting loss of charm and character and traffic management concerns to mention but a few of the issues. The uglification of Gozo continues!
9 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Discussing construction illegalities at the Wayne Flask-Malta Today seminar ... See MoreSee Less

Discussing construction illegalities at the Wayne Flask-Malta Today seminar
12 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

PAMA area todayThis morning main road in front of Pama Mosta, pretty dangerous especially to motor bikes can cause damage to car, attention brought to TM officials but then they were gone. No warning no sign no nothing. ... See MoreSee Less

12 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Enemalta and the lack of planning ... See MoreSee Less

16 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Marsa flyover Investigated by European Prosecutor. And by Maltese National Auditor. ... See MoreSee Less

Marsa flyover

  Investigated by European Prosecutor.
   And by Maltese National Auditor.
16 hours ago
Arnold Cassola

Comino: Clayton does it again Spiting the general public to favour serial law breaker Joseph Portelli's partner, Daniel Refalo, and MEP's brother, Mark Cutajar. ... See MoreSee Less

Comino: Clayton does it again

  Spiting the general public to favour serial law breaker Joseph Portellis partner, Daniel Refalo, and MEPs brother, Mark Cutajar.
1 day ago
Arnold Cassola

Gaudos ferry....close the shutter please ... See MoreSee Less

1 day ago
Arnold Cassola ... See MoreSee Less

Appoġġa lil Arnold Cassola

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